How do I transfer money between accounts?
You can quickly and simply move money between your accounts using the Account Transfers screen:
- Select Payments and Transfers
- Select Make a Transfer.
- Select the Pay From account that will be debited
- Select the To Account that will be credited
- Enter the Amount you wish to transfer
- Select the Date you would like the transfer to take place
- Enter any References required
- Select Next.
- Check the details for the transfer are all correct.
- Select Confirm
The transfer will need to be authorised only if this is the first time that you are making this transfer
Transfers that have been executed today, are awaiting approval or review or are pending will show on the transfers screen. To find transfers that have been executed or cancelled before today, the Search option should be used.
- Select Search (If viewed on a mobile device, ‘Mobile options’ will need to be selected first)
- Select the Entered Dates From and To you wish to search between or
- Select the Transfer Dates From and To you wish to search between
- Select the Pay From account or leave as All Accounts
- Select the To Account or leave as All Accounts
- Select the Status you wish to search for or leave as All
- Enter a Payee Reference if you wish to search for a particular transfer
- Select Search
The list of all transfers that match the criteria entered will appear.