To create a permission profile

  • Select User Admin
  • Select Permission Profiles
  • Select New Profile
  • Enter a Profile Name such as 'Finance Team'
  • Enter a description such as 'All accounts and payment entry'
  • Select Standard Configuration - default profiles are available to select which can then be amended as required. Choose the closest match to your requirements or select No permissions to let you build a profile that meets your specific needs.
    • View balances - view balances of all accounts
    • View balances and transactions - view balances and transactions of all accounts
    • Balance & transactions & Pymt Entry - view balances and transactions of all accounts and key all payments types
    • Balance & transactions & Pymt Auth - view balances and transactions of all accounts and approve all payments types
    • Superuser - view balances and transactions of all accounts, key and approve all payments types including those that the user has keyed themselves
  • Select Confirm

The profile is now available for you to customise if required.

 Denotes that the change requires authorisation or further approval by another administrator if dual administration applies.